Monday, February 24, 2020

Water clarity in lakes and reservoirs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Water clarity in lakes and reservoirs - Essay Example The National Resources Defense Council asserts that an increasing number of Americans are open to the elements of tap water contamination at levels over those set by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. According to a survey conducted in 1999 by the Water Quality Association, around sixty percent of adults consider that the quality of water they are drinking affects their health, and about three-quarters have distresses regarding the quality of their household water supply.Contrary to popular belief, crystal clear water is not necessarily the true measure to which all lakes should be compared. It is also not entirely true that lakes with low levels of visibility and transparency are due to pollution or degradation in water. Another common belief is that clearer water is safer to swim in or to drink which is also not entirely true. On the contrary, clear water may likely be just as filled with pathogens, bacteria and other contaminants that could be harmful to human health as cloudy water is generally perceived to be.The water treatment experts at Amway Corporation laid down suggestions regarding the following tests and resources for beneficiaries who would want to know if their drinking water is safe: 1) Look at it. Water should look clear and have no floating particles. 2) Smell it. Water should be free of unpleasant odors. 3) Taste it. Water that tastes unusual should be tested. 4) Contact the local health department to have the water tested if it looks, smells, or tastes unusual. 5) Request a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report from the community water supplier. (Journal of Environmental Health, 2000) This paper covers issues related to water clarity, what it is, how it is measured, what causes clarity problems and how to tackle such problems Literature Review Water clarity can be defined as a measure of the amount of sunlight that passes into the water and reaches the leaves of underwater grasses. Water clarity can be termed as dependant on three factors; proper water chemistry, sufficient and effective filtration, and good circulation. (Pool Chlor, 2006) Water chemistry relates to the alkalinity levels within water. In case these levels are out of balance, the result can be in the form of turbidity. Turbidity is the cloudiness caused in water because of suspended or dissolved material. It can also be said that insufficient chlorine in the water, small, perched algae and bacteria can result in turbid water. (Pool Chlor, 2006) How to Measure Water Clarity Measurement of water clarity is quite helpful in monitoring any changes in water componential balances and enables communication for these changes to concerned persons. One common method to measure water clarity is by the use of a disk, more commonly known as the Secchi disk. A Secchi disk is by far the simplest, standardized instrument used to determine water clarity. "It is an 8-inch (20 centimeter) diameter, black and white disk attached to a dowel rod, PVC pipe, rope or chain. Inch or centimeter intervals are marked on the rod, pipe, rope or chain with permanent ink, paint or clamps. Ideal clarity for aquatic plant production is generally greater than 36-inch visibility" (Porter, 2002) The measurements taken by the use of Secchi disk are likely to be quicker through the use of rod or pipe as against a rope of chain, except when water is very clear, in which case, an extremely long rod or pipe may be required. When measuring water clarity, the date of measurement, the measurement itself and the source of turbidity, usually sediment (brownish muddy color), phytoplankton (greenish color), humic stain (tea color from decaying leaves or plants) or some combination of these, should be recorded for reference purposes. Secchi disk measurements are mainly precise when taken on comparatively still, sunny days, preferably during the middle of the day from a dock or some sort of floating mechanism such as a boat, float tube, air mattress or life preserver. (Porter, 2002)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

EU Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

EU Law - Essay Example According to the research Non-Profit Orgnizations such as Animal Protection Association (APA) cannot be considered an independent entity within the context of Article 34 since it receives substantial funding from Sagoland’s Ministry of Environment geared to promote activities having as their objective and effect to reduce the demand for wares sourced from another Member State. The measures were attributable to the Sagoland primarily because APA initiated the Animal Protection Mark (APM) at the behest of the Sagoland; its failure to arrest members of the APA found to have committed illegal acts such as threats, coercion, blockade of roads, burning of lorry and other similar activities. The enactment of Sagoland of a national policy prohibiting fur farming and restricting the entry of fur products in its territory is indeed a hindrance to competition. It is clear that its intention is to impede, prevent or reduce patronage of products source from other Member States which is con trary to the EU’s objective of a single and integrated market. This would promote locally produce products giving it undue economic advantage. Thus, the act of Sagoland falls within the prohibition of Article 34 TFEU. Measures of another Member State to protect the health and life of the animals found in the other Member State cannot be justified under Article 36 TFEU. National law of Sagoland intended to protect the life and health of animals found outside its jurisdiction do not have extra-territorial application. Scandonia likewise violates the principle of mutuality because the member state cannot use their quantitative restrictions and laws in another state. Another basis is the principles of proportionality were not fulfilled where the means employed to achieve the objectives must not go beyond what is necessary. Lastly, public morality is not a sufficient justification to restrict the importation of goods to and from another Member State. III a.) In the case of Mr. Zac k, and Henrietta L’s relationship, it is clear that the promoter contract governs the relationship of the two. Mr. Zack’s action of purchasing additional products from Henrietta’s website will not transform that relationship since the purchase of the product supports the promoter contract. As its ambassador Mr. Zack is compelled to only use and endorse Henrietta’s products, purchasing Henrietta’s product from its website supports this relationship since as the endorser Mr. Zack cannot use or purchase other products. b.) Henrietta’s website was meant to only cater to customers within Scandinionia. The website’s disclaimer declared and intimated as much and the use of the LAX currency as the only currency entertained by the websites absolutely proves this position not to mention the use of Scandinionian as one of its language. The use of a primary domain name by the website and the use of English is of no moment since the content and in tent of the website is only meant to cater to customers within Scandinionia as proven by its disclaimer and the use of LAX as the only means of payment. The disclaimer is sufficient in form and in substance, therefore it cannot be considered as an unfair item in a binding contract. It should be noted that the disclaimer was not ambiguous and it was conspicuously displayed within the website. PLEADINGS FOR HENRIETTA L I. a) GOVERNMENT ACTION IN FAVOR OF APA ESTABLISHES PUBLIC MEASURE Animal Protection Association (APA) is a non-profit organization founded according to the Law of Non Profit Associations in Sagoland. Although it is established denoting a social objective, it cannot be considered an independent entity within the context of Article 34 since APA receives substantial funding from Sagoland’s Ministry of Environment geared to promote activities having as their objective and effect to reduce the demand for wares sourced from another Member State. The issue arose when S agoland implemented a measure to ban fur farming and to dismantle existing fur farms in its territory. Following the implementation